Saturday, September 17, 2016

Backpacking for Beginners

All the excitement of the adventure in the desert is what might be called the hike. It is a cross between hiking and camping. Waking up to watch a sunrise. Wandering the forest paths or create your own. Fall asleep under the stars and fish small stream or river, one with nature. Backpacking ups the ante for a camper or experienced newcomer.

Make sure you get in shape

There are some things you can do to train for walking. These things will help to get used to the way it is. They can help you avoid back pain and shoulder or blisters. So you can have more fun and do not forget the beauty instead of your pain.

The first break in your boots with the socks you will wear to walk a good fit. Take short walks. You can also wear them around your city, go shopping while wearing them. This will protect the bulbs to get.

Remember getting your body in shape. Wear your backpack on short walks, while you train and you will feel how it feels to wear the backpack. Start to slow your backpack to add half full more and more weight until it is full of all you'll spend filling, then increase the distance of your workout on.

Transmission to know you

Once the camp is not the time to understand how to work all your camping gear behind. You want to practice and how it works from the comfort of your home or yard. You want your tent test, water filter, camping stove, bags and all the tools that you will bring with you sleep. This will also help you make a list of what to do, and something that is not working or broken replace.

Pack your backpack

Take all your gear in your backpack, make sure it is appropriate and it is not too heavy for you to carry miles of walking. You'll want to look at the weight of the packaging. Sleeping bags to the bottom and other things you want to use at night. Then pack your heaviest items, such as stash food, water, or a cooking stove or kit. It will be better if the next vertebral column of your back. Wrap the sweetest weight items such as lighter tent body, outdoor tent, raincoat, an insulating layer around the heavy elements to prevent movement. Keep frequently used items such as a compass, GPS, sunscreen, sunglasses, insect repellent and first aid kit in the top pocket and an outside pocket. Always available for a light source. A well-wrapped package will not change things will feel balanced rest on your hips, feels stable, the one with the upper body.

Plan your adventure

Do your research. Go with a friend, it is safer and can carry half the load. Get a map of your destination. Make sure you adjust your level of work, check the mileage and elevation of your comfort level. If the paths end in a stalemate make sure you have a way back. You can bring another car and leave at the end of the track so that you can recover. Or you can just stay camped in one place and make the day hiking, fishing, and relaxation.

Always check for the springs, you filter your water, so you better know where good water sources in advance. When checking your water, check the neighborhood store to get information on permits and regulations. You can find information on the weather conditions are good necessary because the weather can change quickly.


Now that you are ready to go hiking etiquette are what you need to know. You will probably see other campers on destination sites. These campers were probably held unanimously and isolation. Out of respect for the other to be quiet, to introduce voice in the wilderness. No camp next to someone else's camp.

Implementation of 100 feet from a source water. But never wash it. You must catholes bury your waste away from freshwater. Use simple white toilet paper, unscented brands. It is best to leave no trace and take to use toilet paper and garbage. Urination may attract wildlife if diluted with water or puddles of water on the rocks, pine needles or gravel.


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