Wednesday, July 12, 2017

How to Improve Your Product Video

Do you need to make a product video otherwise you have already got a product video? however does one apprehend if your video are going to be effective? Here ar some queries you'll use as a list to judge your product videos, or assist you improve your script before you produce product videos. look into your script or video and answer these queries. Imagine that you just ignoramus concerning the merchandise and you've got ne'er seen the video (or scan the script). you would like to step back and decide the video while not being showing emotion connected to the merchandise or the video (and this can be not easy!). Answering the questions will assist you pinpoint the areas in your script or video that are weak (or you've got missed), and help you address all the key issues. Incidentally, the same applies to videos explaining a service, but for simplicity sake we will focus on product videos.

 Product Promo video

A. Introduction to the product

1. Is it clear from the introduction what the product is? y/n

2. Is the value proposition stated in the introduction, and is it clear what the product does? y/n

3. If it is relevant, is the target audience addressed in the introduction (who can use this product, skill level required, etc)? y/n

4. Is the introduction to the product effective? Give yourself a score: 1 - 10

If you answered no to any of the questions, go back and modify the script or the video. If it is too late to change the video, make a note to yourself to address this issue in the next video you produce.

B. Basic Features and Differentiating Features

1. Does the video go over the features/parts/functions of the product after the initial introduction? y/n

If no, skip to part C, but make sure you go back and address all the issues in the B section when improving your script or your video.

2. Does the video go over the parts of the product? Will the viewer know what comes in the box? y/n

3. Is the viewer shown different functions of the product, or completely different choices like size, colors, etc? y/n

4. will the video offer enough data to check this product to similar product supported it's features? y/n

5. is that the video effective at elaborating on the worth proposition and discussing the options of the product? offer yourself a score: 1-10

C. victimisation the merchandise. Demonstration

1. will the video make a case for however the merchandise works from the user's perspective? y/n

2. is that the viewer shown specific steps he/she will follow to start out victimisation the product? y/n

3. does one suppose the viewer can have a transparent understanding of however the merchandise ought to work? y/n

4. ar the demonstration and explanations effective in re-assuring viewers that they'll use this product, and feel comfy knowing what to expect? offer yourself a score: 1-10

Finally, once you self-addressed all the key problems, you'll go to evaluating the video as a full.

D. Production Quality, Overall Impressions

1. however would you rate the production quality of the video, its style, level of expertness, creativity? offer yourself a score 1-10

2. Your overall rating considering the structural side of the video: however well was the video structured and arranged, was there a logical progression, were there distinct elements that communicated completely different ideas, or did the video jump from one plan to ensuing randomly? If you got a task of dividing this video into distinct chapters for simple navigation, wouldn't it be straightforward to do? offer yourself a score 1-10

3. however would you rate the effectiveness of the video in promoting the product? offer yourself a score 1-10

4. What were the strengths of the video?

5. What were the weaknesses?

Helpful Tip: Are you trying to search for more tips and tricks about “Product Promo video”? Do you know that you can find a lot of information regarding this topic area if you can copy and paste the keyword “Product Promo” into the search box of this article directory?

Now that you just have honestly answered all the queries, attempt to write some recommendations. you'll use them once making future videos or improve the present ones.


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