Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A Road Trip to Shimla

Last week (writing this in May 2010) I went to Shimla with women and children. We had a great time. The plan was to leave the house in Ghaziabad at 4:00 sharp, because I'm stuck in traffic that forms on the road during the day. We decided to retire early for the night so that we could (I especially drivers) that are based on the long road.

Well, that was the idea, until a phone call from my sister-in-law of my wife at 10 am to ask about the travel shook me to my government just fall sleep stage, never be able to fall back to sleep. Ditto for Wifey. Instead of tossing and turning in bed for a few hours of sleep elusive, we decided to leave earlier than expected. So we wake up our sleeping son 9 years old, and took the car and pointed towards Shimla and 2:45 left home.

NH 1 is a very good way and I focused mainly on the black asphalt strip quickly towards my car wheels and made sure that my speed was between 80 and 90 mph. There were a few other cars were headed in the same direction to the same kind of speed. It was very comfortable, and my only concern was that I drowsy- something I accomplished quite easily by the enormous weight of responsibility-wife and children in my hands kind of pressure must feel. Sonny boy asleep for most of the drive during the night, wifey bravely stayed awake for a few hours before snoozing sweet sleep on the chair next to me. Soon, they are the Beatles on the radio, NR1 and me. Cities come and go (bypass allows you to escape the bowels of the city - Sonepat, Panipat, Karnal, Kurukshetra and Ambala where you tapped for NH22 and how to Zirakpur and Kalka.

By the time it was about 8:30 in the morning, we were in Kalka and begins to rise. Everyone was fully awake now, and we took the narrow and busy streets of ramshackle town Kalka, even climbing all the time. Soon it was real hilly and stayed when climbing steep slopes with wife and children are increasingly worried. Shortly after, we were down to the town of Solan, famous for its brewery and mushrooms, I think. I made a mental note to buy mushrooms on the way back.

Anyway, it was time to go again, and I'm doing what I can equal love most, riding in the Himalayas through the pine, cedar, rhododendron and oak anything of the land in the world. The sky was deep blue, I could hear the cry of the mountain birds and the pitch change was hiding near my ears.

We stopped at Dharampur mandatory breakfast of aloo ka parantha and sweet tea and resume completely redone the trip. The rest of the drive was again through spectacular terrain; very nice except for the fact that every ten minutes, a truck or a bus Volvo giant the size of a jumbo jet, or various other large vehicles looked down in the opposite direction to what would come subsonic speed.

They will go wild for you and just swing at the time of passage, touch the body of their vehicle dangerously close to yours (like a hat on a lady could tip). Just when you thought you would be pushed 2000ft hill they deflect down.

My wife cried every time it happened (I swore loudly a few times myself and by the time we arrived on the outskirts of the city, wifey seriously considering taking the plane for the trip!


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