Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The unexpected

Well, our "Winter in Spain" is over and the ferry took us on English soil and our catastrophes began. All roads proposed by the Sat Nav. closed. In the fading light and the occasional street trying pores on the map, while the Sat Nav could not understand why we ignore the instruction and kept telling us to go around the roundabout and join the designated path. Very frustrating! A trip that should last three hours it took us five hours more!

First, the A3 was closed to ferry traffic and crowded in dark detour signs were either invisible missing. We fell Portsmouth with another motorist for a while, the Sat Nav was launched and headed north.

After 6 months of almost clear roads in Spain, as far as we could see in front of car headlights and bumper to bumper traffic was a bit of a culture shock. Many other roads were closed, including the A1M and 421, the road was marked. Finally, the Sat Nav was. gave us another route and we arrived in the early hours of the morning.

Upon returning home, there were more problems than we willing to allow the water system to dismantle the showers, etc. What he did with the plumber, but he did not return the restore, so we had no bathroom or water! Not really funny at 03:00.

At least the weather improved in England from the visions we had seen on television. In fact, it is warmer in Spain today, so we have brought the good weather with us!

So perhaps the moral of this story is to check all instructions are fully implemented, do not assume they will. also, carry a flashlight and a large map, in case you have problems, maybe I should have been a girl guide!

We enjoyed our first winter in the sun, and we look forward to returning to our home in Spain in the fall. So if you are fed up with cold, wet winters and wonder how they can be avoided in future, allow me to recommend affiliate marketing as a means of increasing revenues and a very satisfactory way of life.

With the help and advice of a good mentor providing products to attract customers in a range to inspire more excellent education in marketing, you will soon start making you master the techniques.

Start part time and decide if online work is what you are looking for. Affiliate marketing is suitable for most people who are determined to succeed and are willing to invest time and effort. Only basic computer skills are required to start.

Make 2016 a great year for a new society. Visualize your new lifestyle if you want to achieve and to experience your dreams.

Books you start thinking:

"Creative Visualization" by Ronald Shone

"Unlimited Power" by Anthony Robinson - (It also has videos on YouTube)

"What the purchase of property abroad Guide"

Hello My name is Anne

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